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31st Young Artists Debut! – Apply by 2/3/2025 at 11:59 p.m.

Age restrictions: Artists ages 10 to 18 (up to 21 for singers)

Boundaries: Up to 1 ½ hours from Portland-Metro Area

We are seeking performing artists (non-classical musicians*, dancers, singers, actors, etc.), either individually or performing in groups of up to six artists, to apply to be Young Artists Debut! winners. (Note: Artists may apply in multiple categories with full applications and applicable fees!)

*Note: We are encouraging classical musicians to perform in ensembles. Solo musicians are welcome to apply with the understanding that, if selected, they will be performing their piece without accompaniment.

Ideal performing artists possess:

  • Extraordinary talent, creativity, and skill with a desire to perform on stage and showcase their talents publicly. Your performance piece must be public domain or an original piece 5 to 12 minutes in length.

  • The temperament, comfort, ability, and desire to speak publicly, perform, and collaborate with other artists and mentors.

  • Flexibility and enthusiasm to participate in this fun and educational program. As we have for 30 years, we are offering exceptional young classical musicians the opportunity to become YAD! winners. This year we are expanding to allow additional artists specializing in visual arts and other performing arts to participate as well. Be prepared to collaborate to create a fantastic experience for all artists and audience members.

  • The commitment to fulfill program requirements and timelines.

If you are selected and fulfill program requirements, you will:

  • Earn the prestigious honor of becoming a Young Artists Debut! Winner and receive an honorarium.

  • Be eligible to be the recipient of the first Deveney Award and receive $1,000 to further artistic pursuits!

  • Participate in arts-centric educational mentoring sessions with YAD! judges and brainstorming sessions with other winning artists to create an exceptional immersive program.

  • Obtain professional artistic guidance to sharpen your performance, a professional head shot, the opportunity to collaborate with a community of artists, exposure, and access to professional photos and a video of your work as a participant in the Young Artists Debut! Concert & Showcase at The Reser on Wednesday, May 21, 2025.

All who apply:

  • Receive feedback on their application from YAD! judges.

  • The opportunity to apply to earn volunteer hours or Intern with Cognizart.

  • Gain priority access to Cognizart programs including 360 Arts Camp and The Arts Backstage.

We encourage all young artists to apply and be a part of the Cognizart Community and to be able to participate in many activities and events!



Winning artists are required to participate in all events.

(Live auditions will be held on Sunday, February 16, 2025, at The Reser.  Finalists must be available.)

  • Photo Shoot – Tuesday, February 18, 2025, in NE Portland.

  • Young Artists Debut! Concert & Showcase –Wednesday, May 21, 2025, at 7:30 p.m. at The Reser. (You will need to take the day off school.)

  • Up to six other floating dates between February 18, 2025, and Wednesday, May 21, 2025.


Communication & Marketing:

Cognizart Staff and YAD! mentors will be in communication with you (or your parents) via text and email. Please respond promptly. Be respectful and engaged or you will be removed from the program. Winners must promote their participation in the Young Artists Debut! program. Each each winner will be responsible for filling at least 20 seats in the audience at the Young Artists Debut! Concert & Showcase. You will be asked to record promotional videos to be posted on social media and the website. Enthusiastic participation is expected.

Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on February 3, 2025. All steps MUST be completed for consideration:


  1. Complete and submit the application form below and pay the $50 per artist application fee online here. (NOTE: We are offering 50-100% application fee scholarships to those who qualify. Email Program Assistant Laura Tuffli at to see if you qualify.) 

  2. Email your YouTube* performance link to with subject line “2025 YAD Performing Artist Application for (insert your name)” (Details for this requirement are listed below.)


YouTube Performance Link:*

  • Introduce yourself at the beginning of the recording. State your name and age and how long you have been working on your craft.

Video your performance in one take. Reminder, the piece must be public domain or an original copyright free piece and 5 to 12 minutes in length.

  • The file must be in .mp3 or .wav format only. (Upload to YouTube and share the link with us in the email as noted previously.)


Artists will be notified of their standing in the competition by February 11, 2025. All who apply are considered a part of the Cognizart Community and will be invited to attend Young Artists Debut! events. We appreciate you!


Questions?  Text Laura Tuffli, Program Assistant, at (503) 482-9322, or email

Have you attended Cognizart by MetroArts Inc.'s 360 Arts Camp?
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